Imagine coming to work every day only to be crushed, smashed, shuffled and have your head blasted apart over and over again. That’s everyday life for Zesty, an ordinary lemon candy employed in the hyper-addictive mobile match-3 game, Space Candy. As a loyal worker and just about the sweetest guy around, Zesty knows nothing else than the endless grind on the matching grid. Until one day, when the most prominent candy, a chocolate bomb named Yoohoo mysteriously vanishes. ​​​​​​​
In this story-based point-and-click adventure that I've written and developed in Unity, players step into the shoes of a hard-working lemon candy whose job is to keep users addicted. When his friend goes missing, he embarks on an investigative mission to uncover the dark secrets lurking beneath the sweet facade of Space Candy Corp.
Released: June 2024
My role: Game design & narrative design & Unity development
Art Direction: AOKU

Space Candy is a game within a game that critiques the free-to-play mobile game business model, exposing the crunch culture and unsustainable capitalist practices, all wrapped up in sweet visuals, humor, and a tantalising crime plot.

The Making Of

To design the core story, I prefer to prototype all the branched narratives using Inkle software...

...before implementing it into Unity.

Even the game bible must correspond with the Space Candy Corp. design manual!

Storyboard & screenshots
Space Candy is a game within a game that critiques the free-to-play mobile game business model, exposing the crunch culture and unsustainable capitalist practices, all wrapped up in sweet visuals, humor, and a tantalising crime plot.

At the beginning of the game, Zesty is a corporate guy, clocking in hours and then chilling at home, hoping that the next day will be exactly the same as the day before.

The Sugar Rush Gym: What better way to start an exhausting day than by exhausting yourself preemptively!

So where does Zesty head to work every day? As a regular employee of the Space Candy mobile game, his job is to get matched, crushed, and swapped to keep users hooked on the dopamine rush of a never-ending challenge.

During his shift in the marketing department, Zesty's job is to promote other mobile titles through gamified ads like this one.

When the star of the matching grid doesn't show up for work, the company's very existence is at stake.

Luckily, Zesty discovers a knack for investigation and ultimately realizes he's more than just a candy to be crushed.

Through honest detective work, Zesty peels back everyone’s sweet facade and discovers that anyone could be a suspect.

Map of the locations.

Example of UI design.

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